Difference Between Modern And Conventional Air Conditioner Pressure Transmitter

12 11 月, 2020


Air Conditioner Pressure Transmitter is a vital product of the industry. In this time, where technology is soaring high up quite rapidly, a change is unavoidable in the industry like any other field.

A significant number of products are modified each day to meet the ever-increasing demand of the industry. Manufacturers create many variations of the models, comprising size and shape with many compelling functioning features.

This article will talk about how the high-tech industry has evolved the Air conditioner pressure transmitters?.

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And if the conventional ones comprise the same importance in the field what they did before the invention of the modern transducers.

However, before proceeding to that, we will do a quick review of Pressure Transmitters and how they work?

Air Conditioner Pressure Transmitter


A pressure transmitter, also known as a pressure transducer, transforms applied pressure into the analog signal. This electrical signal produced is linear and proportional to the force used.

Although multiple transmitters used in the industry, "Strain-gage base transducer" are the most commonly used.

There are two main parts of a transducer:

  • An elastic material.
  • An electrical device.

The elastic material is the main component that deforms and converts the applied pressure to the measurable electrical signal when a capable amount of pressure exerts upon it.

It may deform into different shapes and sizes depending upon the pressure factor.

The electrical device then plays the remaining part, that it measures the degree of deformation of the elastic material and converts it into an analog (electrical) signal.

This conversion also involves a diaphragm of the pressure transmitter. When pressure exerts upon the pressure transmitter, it causes the diaphragm to produce a deflection, bringing in strain to the gages. The electrical resistance change, which is made by the stress, is directly proportional to the pressure.

OUTPUT:  Generally, there are three types of production found in Pressure Transmitters:

  • Millivolt.
  • Amplified voltage.
  • 4-20 mA.


You will find Air conditioner pressure transmitters in plenty of systems throughout the world.

Whether it is your home refrigerator, a massive one in the supermarket, or an Air conditioner of your room or a car, these transmitters are an essential component for all of these devices' efficient functioning.

For all of these systems to work competently, a refrigeration cycle is required. The refrigeration cycle allows the air conditioner to work efficiently, with maximum output.

This cycle is a six-step process that includes several types of equipment. Some of these equipment are  below:

1)            Evaporators.

2)            Compressor.

3)            Condenser.

4)            Expansion valve.

5)            System monitoring devices. (Temperature transducers)


As mentioned earlier, this refrigeration cycle is a vital component to regulate the Air conditioners' proper functioning. It is a six-step process which we will talk about below:

1)  Initially, a cold, low-pressure gas enters the compressor where it compresses to a great extent, and there is a rapid increase in its temperature due to compression.

2)  This compressed gas, now called the refrigerant, will now enter the condenser. The condenser will release the heat in the atmosphere and change into a liquid form by condensation.

3) This liquid will now enter the expansion valve where a reduction in pressure and temperature occurs, and then the condensed liquid will again turn into a gas.

4) This turning back rapidly decreases the temperature.

5) This refrigerant will now pass through the evaporator where it will experience a cooling effect, and the air will cool.

6) This cooled air then exits the system into the atmosphere, where it cools the area.


Air Conditioner Pressure transducers are generally near the outlet of the compressor of the air conditioner. There is only one pressure transmitter found in most of the devices, but the number may vary according to the system's complexity and functioning.

As the world is now moving towards an eco-friendly environment, people are now more influenced and inclined towards an organic lifestyle. This adaptation also requires more eco-friendly refrigeration.

According to a study, 12% of the home energy expenditure results in the US due to air conditioning, which is quite a whopping amount.

Eco-friendly refrigeration is only possible if the pressure transducer works with maximum efficiency and provides the appropriate information. Also, an increase in the number of pressure transducers at the outlet will contribute to an eco-friendly environment.


What to look for in the pressure transmitter? This is probably, the most obvious question that might arise in the head of the buyer. And surely it is one to be answered because finding the right one for your device is indeed a hard job.

The first thing, you should look for in the transducer is it’s ability to handle the temperature.

The second most important criteria should be the accuracy of your transmitter which will affect the overall performance of your system.


Now, as we have gained the slightest idea of what are the Air conditioner pressure transmitters are? Let us now have to look at what will be a better choice for your device; the conventional transmitters used for ages or the new shiny modern ones:

Air Conditioner Pressure Transmitter


The conventional air conditioner pressure transmitters are the transmitters that can transmit signals in the form of electromagnetic signals.

In this type of transmitter, only a limited loop current regulates as a 4-20 mA range of the transmitter is used.

Also, this type of transmitter allows users to deal with process variable signals.

Most of the conventional transmitters have a mobile turndown range. However, some require a calibration pressure for the turndown range.



A smart transmitter or modern transmitter does not differ much from the conventional transmitter in the sense of function except that they work like microprocessors for signal transmission.

Moreover, they provide a better display and multiple process variables.

One characteristic of the modern pressure transmitter is reading zero span readings pairing with frequency-shift keying.

The main reason for the compensation of atmospheric readings during communication is that these transmitters use a HART protocol.


There's no doubt that the modern transmitters are rapidly taking place over the conventional transducers in the industry. Below are some points that indicate why the preference is for modern transmitters.


The modern transducers work with the HART protocol, a digital communication protocol that allows the users to overlay the analog signals.

While conventional air conditioner pressure transmitters are not able to read digital signals like modern transmitters


Conventional transducers do not allow the option of zero span adjustment due to its electromagnetic nature. The readings provided by it are not precise and deflect by 2-3% of the original value.

On the other hand, smart transducers can read the zero value with ease and provides a precise reading value.


The conventional transmitters provide a range-ability of 5:1 whereas, the modern transmitter provides that of 100:1 and without any calibration.


Unlike conventional transmitters, modern transmitters allow internet-enabled work. This unique feature makes them suitable for private industries, e.g., the Petroleum industry, where regular transducers have failed.

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Indubitably, Conventional Air Conditioner Pressure Transducers were working effectively in the market, but the evolving industry demands more competency, precision, and reliability. Therefore, due to the sector's efficient performance, Modern Air Conditioner Pressure Transmitters have gained note-worthy importance over the conventional transmitters.

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