8 Most Important Questions about Pressure Transmitter for Printing System

12 3 月, 2021

上一页友善打印 系统-压力变送器 在工业的不同应用中变得非常重要。但是,在这个行业中,压力变送器的精度非常重要。为了提高发射机的精度,我们增加了发射机宣传精度的规格。





压力变送器的基本组成部分是传感部分它可以感知施加在其上的压力值这个传感部分使用不同的技术在不同的环境中工作另一部分的英文 上一页友善打印系统-压力变送器的膜片不同类型的压力射出有不同的应用和用途。










因此, 印刷系统压力变送器的参考精度 为0.04%,在其他压力范围内可达到0.1%。精度规格可能因压力范围的不同而有所不同。根据压力范围,它们甚至可以加倍或三倍。因此,您必须知道您使用的确切压力范围。


我们可以对印刷系统的压力变送器进行重新量程,比例范围很广。压力变送器重新量程的常用量程比为 100:1。但是,全范围足以满足精度规格。为此目的,有限的调节比也是可行的。




精度对温度的依赖性通常是令人困惑和复杂的。更难理解他们之间的关系。如果您无法理解,请联系供应商寻求指导。但是,经过不同发射器的对比,已经从0.01%降到了0.5%。即使是最差的模型也显示出 1% 的温度效应。


能在静压条件下工作的压力变送器是差压变送器。这种 用于打印系统的压力变送器 可以确定两个输入之间的压力。两个输入端都有一定的压力值。但是,可以测量与大气压有关的压力的变送器称为表压。

However, a differential pressure transmitter can only measure the differential pressure between two inputs. The static pressure has a considerable effect on the output. If both inputs are at the atmospheric pressure, the differential pressure by the transmitter at the output is zero. However, if both inputs have certain pressure but equal, the output differential pressure is again zero.

What are different types of Pressure Sensors?

The pressure sensors are the electrical instruments that have the design and configuration for the measurement of pressure. They can determine the different values of pressure concerning the atmospheric pressure, vacuum pressure, and other references of pressure values. Most of the pressure sensing devices have the principle of transduction in use.

There are many types of pressure sensors. The following are some of them:

What are Aneroid Barometer Sensors?

An aneroid barometer sensor is a device that has metal casting with the surfaces at the top and bottom having flexible nature. The shape of the metal casting changes with the change of atmospheric pressure. The results become more prominent when the levers increase the deformation of the metal casting.

However, we can also make the bellow design of the pressure sensor to increase the level of deformation. The pointer dials in the pressure sensor bear the mechanical levers. They have the function to convert the deformation to the barographs. The barograph shows the variation of the pressure over time.

What are Manometer Sensors?

The manometer pressure transmitter for printing system is a fluid-type pressure sensor. It has a simple design and gives more accuracy as compared to the aneroid pressure sensor. It can measure the pressure by taking its effect on the surface of a liquid column. The common shape of the manometer sensors is U shape.

When pressure applies to one end of the U-shaped tube, there is a displacement in the level of the liquid. The liquid level rises from the other end. We can determine the level of pressure by taking into account the difference in heights of the liquid. However, there is a scale for the measurement of pressure according to the liquid level.

What are Bourdon Tube Pressure Sensors?

波登管压力传感器还可以作为无液压力传感器用于压力测量。但区别在于管的形状。波登管压力传感器的管子是 C 形的。该管一端封闭,另一端借助压力固定。




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